New Training Centre Opens: KKETS
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New Training Centre

New Training Centre Opens: KKETS

by Scott A. Sumner

    KKETS or Kiikenomaga Kikenjigewen  means teach and knowledge is a training centre and offer various programs funded by Service Canada.    In their new office located on Court Street in the Mattawa building is a computer lab, phones printers and a  fax for job search.
“ Right now we have literacy and essential skills upgrading programs going on for our older youth or younger adults as well as 29 and up. We are preparing the people in our communities as well as  anybody else who needs our service. Our goal is creating opportunities for training
upgrading, doing mock interviews, helping with resume writing skills  to prepare people for a job,” said BeedahBin Buswa, Project Officer at KKETS . “ We also have projects going on for literacy and essential skills that are going on in some of our communities via web through e learning Here the goal is to get high school equivalency.”
    “ Many of our residents don’t have high school. In our communities they only have school up to grade 9 and have to come to Thunder Bay to finish high school where there could be culture shock issues,” said BeedahBin Buswa. “  Education is first and foremost. The jobs coming up in the far north mostly require a high school education- Grade 12 minimum.  We will help with the mining training for the jobs.”
    The new KKETS has  funding for the next 5 years. There are 9 Mattawa communities they serve.

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Scott Sumner