Excitement Level Rises As Superior Collegiate and Vocational Institute Nears Completion
by Scott A. Sumner
Thunder Bay Business
There is a sense of excitement in the air on the job site of Thunder Bay’s newest high school which is very near completion. This attractive large building will be a major addition to the education area of Thunder Bay. “ We are well done the road and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Everything is on schedule and the building will be turned over in August,” said John Jones of Tom Jones Corporation. “ We are very pleased with the appearance of the school.
It is very practical as well and the materials they have chosen will stand the test of time. It is brick exterior with block inside and is epoxy painted inside also using good hardware. It is a basic design yet very functional and I think it is a good project.”
“ This was a fast track job done in a total of 16 months which is unusual for this size of project but what the requirement was. We built right through the winter and were totally enclosed for the winter months. Now we are mostly focussing on the exterior, although there is still some interior work. Currently we are installing hardware, doors and lockers are going in along with millwork. The flooring is almost finished and the interior painting is almost complete,” said John Jones. “ The focus is on the exterior work now with the brick work, curbs ,sidewalks and landscaping. Vector is the masonry contractor and dong a very good job.They are a big part of the project. The weather is cooperating. I don’t see any roadblocks at all. We will meet our
target completion date. The building is approaching a $29 million total cost.”
Does John Jones enjoy the construction business after so many years. “ I like the challenge, the competition for projects and to perform and put out a decent product that you are proud of. When it comes to the colour or selection of the brick we have no chose. Often you get credit for things you are not responsible say if it is a great design that the architect put out,” smiled John Jones. “ We build what ever the drawings ask for. If it is a sterile box, some people may say that is not very attractive. We say that is what the drawings say. I like
the competition but we also like to perform. We think we are good at it. I will put our team up against anybodies.”
What is your impression of our economy?
“ Bowater is a concern for NW Ontario. They have been a great employer over the years and very important to this community as they been in the past for NW Ontario for so many years. For a good number of years we did a lot of mill expansion and maintenance work. There is less of it today and could be considerably less of it in the future. We need to focus on other areas as we have in the past with the oil sands work we have done which is a little slow right now but will rekindle. We are shifting away from pulp and paper work. You have to constantly
reinvent yourself to stay competitive to stay alive. That is part of the excitement. Nothing is for sure. You have to be a gambler. It is part of the game and I don’t mind it. Most times you win but sometimes you lose.”
What is you impression of the future of the NW Ontario economy?
“ I think there is potential here. The community is being redirected. We can’t relie on the pulp and paper industry the way we have in the past. It is encouraging to hear Keefer Terminal’s plans for expansion. There are other community opportunities in our industry with the St
Joseph’s Care Group and a new facility. Lakehead University has some exiting plans. Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre will be expanding as well. Confederation College is looking at retrofitting and expanding their campus. Bombardier has some positive work. There are a number of opportunities without a doubt. They are just different than in the past. We have a number of people coming through our company and are preparing for the future. We have played a role in the growth of Thunder Bay and hope to continue to in the future.”