40 Years in the Publishing Business!
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40 Years in Publishing!

40 Years in the Publishing Business!

by Scott A. Sumner

When I realize it has has been 40 years of monthly publications of our publication Thunder Bay Business it is sort of hard to believe. That's 480 issues delivered to most businesses and offices in Thunder Bay near the beginning of each month.


Each issue takes quite a bit of work to do starting with selling enough advertising to make it financially work, getting the graphic ads produced, obtaining some good timely stories to place in the issue,creating a layout that works to the printing specifications and looksgood and then sending to the printer, having it mailed by the mailingcompany, placing the issue online , updating your website and doingsocial media and then finally administration with invoicing and banking.

This probably has some similarities to what other businesses do intheir own field. It's not always easy but that's what makes me always impressed with entrepreneurs who forged their own path in the business world, took on the risk of investing their own funds or bank borrowings, and spent their time, sometimes long hours  to make it all work!

We should always remember that these small businesses are the back bone of Canada.   There are many people out there that work in their chosen field fo rreally a lifetime. Over the years I have played golf for instance, with doctors who work 50 plus years. We meet business entrepreneurs who may be second or third generation family businesses that are still going strong. I always find it very impressive, especially when you know thework it takes to make it happen!

It was nice to celebrate the 40th year issue Thunder Bay Business at an event at the Thunder Bay City Hall with Mayor Ken Boshcoff, CouncilorDominic Pasquilino, MPP Lise Vaugeois and others. MPP Kevin Holland,MP's Patty Hajdu and Marcus Powlowski provided very nice scrolls and our marketing person Sylvia had a beautiful cake with the image of the issue.


The media business is changing rapidly and print publications arebecoming more rare. That isn't to mean that many people still enjoy having a paper in their hand, as they do. The quickness of electronic media is great as well as the ability to add video, music, and links to more indepth information.  Today everyone is sort of in media becausewe all have a phone that is really a smart phone. You can shoot avideos and post it to the world in seconds. If it is something ofinterest to many it can go viral and reach thousands or more quickly.This is a good thing although we can get information overload today,especially if you've had more that enough content on some topics, say in the political world!

Thanks again to our team, the advertisors and readers over the years.For me it has been fun meeting so many people and learning about theirsuccesses.  One local well known business entrepreneur said to me recently “ Don't ever stop working Scottie.” I think he means it keeps you going as aperson with your mind active. It probably is good advice and although I may work fewer hours each week it is still something I enjoy doing!

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Scott Sumner